Ivy Circle Dinner

Since going alumni in Alpha Phi the May before our wedding I haven't done much with the young alumni group/"ivy circle" because I wanted to give myself some space from sorority life and focus on married life, finishing college and work. 

Not to mention a lot of the events that were planned where at times that didn't work out for me. 

But last night I decided to make the step and get into post college sorority life. We have a group dinner at On The Border and I had a lot of fun. It is moments like these that remind me the reasons why I love the sisterhood and help me forget about the drama and had times. 

I am forever grateful that I joined the sisterhood and I an glad that I reminded myself of that last night. 

Here are two pictures from last night. 

And a random picture of my princess cat because this is what I came home to after the dinner. 


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