Memorial Day Weekend 2014

First off I would like to start this post off by saying thanks. Thank you to all the men and women who have worked hard and given their lives for this country. Almost a year ago Payden and I made the decision to try for him to join the USAF. And although that didn't work out we are happy now with our life and are constantly grateful for those who serve. 

Friday I kind of had a shopping problem (story of my life). 
New pink Pampered Chef. 

New Origami Owl charms! 

And a ton of new tops. 

Sunday we celebrated Brent's 50th birthday (which is May 26th) and Memorial Day with a BBQ at their house with close family and friends. 

Sunday again: we always see ducks swimming in the pools at our apartment complex. Too cute!

Monday: I finally finished the second book in the Divergebt series and before reading the third one I decided to start reading "A Fault In Our Stars" because a couple of friends of mine want to go see the movie together once I'm done. 

With Payden working third shift, it had given me time to not only catch up on my shows, and housework but also my reading so hopefully I will be reading a lot more here soon! 

Monday- Memorial Day happened to also be my dad's 43rd birthday and my father in law's 50th birthday. Since we celebrated Brent's (my father in law) birthday on Sunday we went to dinner with my family to Old Chicago to celebrate my dad's birthday. 

It was a fun and busy weekend and fill with work for me but I'm glad we got to do so much!   


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