Movie Review: The Amazing Spiderman 2

If you haven't noticed (or I haven't said it before) Payden and I love Marvel movies. 

With Payden working third shift I haven't been able to see him as much as I'm use to so it was nice to finally have a date night with him. 

The movie was so wonderful and emotional. It was even emotional for those of us who have read the comic books. For those of you who haven't you are in for a sad but surprise ending. I absolutely love the acting and Spider-Man has always been my one of favorite comic book characters. 

If you have seen the first movie, read the comics, love the marvel movies or just enjoy movies in general I highly recommend the movie! Movie is a five star rating (just like all the other marvel movies (told you we love them)). 

Such a great date night with the husband and much needed as we adjust to our new lifestyle with him on third shift. 


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