10 weeks!

Ten weeks (and two days). I'm tired and constantly sick but we have a healthy baby and a healthy yet high risk pregnancy! Best news of the week! 

How far along: 10 weeks last Tuesday (June 7th)!
Gender: Unknown
Weight gain: lost 5 pounds (plus side of food not tasting good and morning (all day) sickness) 
Maternity clothes: NO but not wearing anything fitted. 
Sleep: I'm always tired but can only sleep in spurts due to a major hip pain. 
Best moment this week:  We got to see baby Hamilton again and found out that although I'm considered high risk the baby is healthy!  
Worst moment this week: Payden's best friend David leaving. It was fun to have him in town! 
Miss anything:  I miss being able to stay up later and not be so dead tired the next morning. 
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: Orange chicken from Panda Express, Root Beer, Orange soda and chocolate pancakes (probably could have it all in one meal) 
Queasy or sick: Feeling queasy all the time
Looking forward to: I'm going to Kentucky this weekend with one of my best friends for our sorority! 

We got two more sonogram pictures from our appointment on Wednesday. 


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