Update in Photos

I ordered Payden a coke bottle with his name on it since he never gets anything with his name on it. 

After living in the house for months Vegas just started using her cat tower again. 

Nap time for me always typically ends when Vegas sleeping on me like this. 

Payden's best friend David came to town for a few days and they decided to spend their last night by spending my money and setting up a new sound bar system for our basement. 

Our second set of bookends finally came in and I'm in love!! 

Vegas likes to hide in the blinds for our sliding glass door. Too funny. 

And she likes creeping on us downstairs by looking over the stairs through the railings. 

Vegas likes to watch me make my weekly baby bump board. 

Sunbathing cat. 

Always watching us. 

Our new couch came in! 

Shocker stuff is up downstairs!! 😻

Adult coloring book! So excited! 

Vegas thinks that by rolling around on the landing by the front door that it'll make us get up to give attention. 

Got to take advantage of awesome parking at my favorite store! 

I spy at cat. 

Starting my new simplified planner! 

My adorable new coasters!! 

Yay for new jewelry!! 

Somebody was ready to play one morning. 

Sunbathing Vegas cat. 

We are those people. We made a collage of Vegas pictures. 

Someone is being nosey today. 

She dug herself into the pillow case, under the pillow and is now just hanging out there. What a weirdo.


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