My Candle Passing

I have been meaning to write this post about my candle passing since it happened...two months ago (October 18th, 2010). I finally found the time so here it goes. Since Payden proposed at the start of fall break I had to keep everything about our engagement on the downlow (and asked the few people in which I told to do the same) so I could surprise my Alpha Phi sisters at our meeting the following Monday. My dear friend and sorority sister Kayla Ramsey made my candle and I really loved the way it turned out and appreciate her doing that for me and how happy she was to do it. Meeting that following Monday was our Founder's Day, a huge celebration where our alumni and current memebers come together to celebrate the greatness of our organization. It is a big deal every year and I was so excited to have my big moment announced at such a huge event! I had to wait the whole event before I could have my candle passing (or to wear my ring!) and it was KILLING ME! I had so many emotions I ha...