Married before 23?

The last couple of days single friends on Facebook have been posting this overly rude blog post about 23 things to do before getting engaged at 23. The moment I read this blog I literally was beyond irritated. In order to understand my next comments you must read the blog post.

My immediate response was like such: "I am beyond proud to have married my husband young, it gives us more time to spend together. We still travel, we adopted a pet, he is my best friend and we work better together as a team than we ever did before. Sorry that you are jealous that we are happy but I will gladly prove your little statistics wrong. My marriage is beyond perfect for the two of us and that is all that matters".

My best friend Mandy and some of my friends who have all been married before turning 23 were all outraged by this blog post and all have wrote things about how we are proud of the marriages that we are in. So today Mandy posted this article about 23 things that you can do WITH your husband and wrote in response to that original blog post. This is seriously the best blog post ever, it made me laugh and I completely agree. Here is the awesome blog post.

This blog listed off 23 things and I have actually been able to do some of these things with my wonderful husband and can't wait to make a list of fun things that we want to do of our own!! Here are the things from that blog's list with my comments on it. 

1. Have safe sex, however often you want. It’s a wonderful concept.--well that's a given: we are married lol 
2. Get a passport and travel- a honeymoon, or even just a vacation.--I have a passport but he doesn't but we do go on trips together
3. Run around the house naked. It’s more fun than sitting in a boring window.--do that all the time… let's be real lol
4. Get a tattoo that has meaning for both of you.--not yet but we do plan on getting a ring tattoo or one of our anniversary date: 10-14
5. Explore somewhere new with your best friend, instead of alone.--we try to go places that we haven't been before for vacation on our anniversary weekend
6. Pick up a new hobby together.--not sure that we are going to do that but it might be fun
7. Start a family if you want. If you don’t, then wait.--due to everything with my health we have decided to wait
8. Make out. At least you know where his mouth has been.--best part of being married!
9. Decorate your house/apartment with Pinterest projects you did together.--neither of us are crafty but he does help me decorate
10. Get a couples massage. Things are more fun with your best friend.--doubt he is done for a massage lol
11. Sign up for CrossFit together. Or just workout together period.--last year we started going to a gym and we always go work out together. He is really my biggest support and pushes me to do my best
12. Share an entire pint of your favorite Ben & Jerry’s in one sitting. (I like sharing because then it’s less likely that I’ll fall into that stereotype of getting fat now that I’m married.)--we do love ice cream
13. Build a future.--we have conversations daily about what we will do next that will better our lives together
14. Disappoint your husband. Trust me, you won’t have to try, it’ll just happen. And then have make-up sex.--you can't not disappoint someone but it is so worth it in the end and helps make your relationship stronger… plus the making up is the best part!
15. Bake/cook for each other. Things taste way better when they’re made for someone with love.--he cooks, I find recipes and I bake. We love trying new foods and cooking together and for each other
16. Start traditions together.--anniversary pictures and trips: done!
17. Travel within the United States. And when you get lost, make an adventure out of it, knowing you’re safe with your best friend.--every anniversary trip we try a new city
18. Have a sleepover with him every night.--another awesome part of being married
19. Go out together, have fun, come home together, and have more fun.
20. Adopt a pet. When you’re both ready. It’s easier when two people are caring for it.--done a few months after we got married and Vegas cat is the best little addition to our little family
21. Start a small business now that you have a confidant, companion, and faithful business partner.--probably never going to happen 
22. Start a blog. Together or separately. See? You can do it when you’re married too! Crazy, I know.--obviously I have the blog thing down!
23. Befriend other happily married couples.--done!

With all of that being said, I am proud to be a 24 year old married woman, and proud of the relationship that I am in. I could never have made it through these last few years without my amazing husband. Judge me all that you want because I am in a happy relationship and have fun with that lame bucket list that you came up with. I will continue to explore and do new things with my best friend, my husband at my side!

I found another blog post that gives five simple reasons for getting engaged early. I love these reasons: love is not an end, love is not part of a checklist to life, love is not determined by age, love is not measured by the quantity of your money and love is an adventure. So true. Here is the link  to that blog.


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