My week in photos:

I'm going to try and do this every once in awhile. I got the idea from one of the blogs that I follow. Here is round one: let's see how it goes. 

I've decided to do Sunday through Subday, so it's actually more than a week but oh well. 

Sunday: Once the snow melted it comes back, welcome to the cycle of Wichita weather. Payden brought in some of the snow for Vegas to check out. She was interested until her nose got too cold. 

Shocker game with some of the friends from work. Where the shockers went 15-0 for the season!! 

Monday and Tuesday: both days I ended up buying a new top from my favorite boutique. 

Wednesday: started the day off using my Kuerig and this adorable travel mug! 

Bought a NBA jersey tshirt for a former WSU player who is now playing for the NY Knicks! 

Ended Wednesday with another home basketball game with Maggi watching the Shockers  go 16-0!! 

Thursday: coach snuggle time with my little family. Vegas is so cute! 

Saturday: Shared the biggest pizza ever with the guys watching WSU go 17-0 tonight! Such an amazing comeback to watch! Although the game gave me such anxiety!! 

Our 2013 yearbook finally came in and I apparently made it a bigger size. So my OCD is pissed at myself but I'm excited that it came in. Looks like I'm going to have upgrade the size for the upcoming years....

Sunday: Starting my day off with a big cup of coffee and repping my Murry tshirt before my day date with the hubster! 

Day date with the hubster was a balcony movie date to see the new movie "Lone Survior". Movie review to come later today. We love our balcony movie dates, it's a splurg but it makes it a dinner and movie date in one.


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