Life lately in photos
3-24-15: We got our official closing date paperwork and I got my time off approved for the move!
And I officially bought out first new item for the new house! Tell me that it isn't perfect!
3-25-15: Vegas is loving all the packing and all of the boxes. She loves hiding and playing in the bigger ones.
3-26-15: Wichita State played in the Sweet Sixteen for the NCAA tournament against Notre Dame. Payden is a huge Notre Dame fan so we had to take a picture.
Wichita State lost (March Sadness at its finest) and Payden had to get a photo for bragging rights.
3-27-15: Tarynn Kennedy was born! (All in another post) but this side by side appeared on my timeline and it was too perfect not to share. Meeting big brother Tannen for the first time almost three years ago and then meeting baby sister Tarynn for the first time today. Much has changed in these last few years but one thing has remained steady: our friendship. So happy to have this chick in my life and her little family!
Sleepy cat is my favorite. So cute.
3-28-15: Midwest Baconfest with Payden, my mom and brother. Although we all felt it was a bust and not worth the money and we spent we tried to have fun. It was worth the try for a different event to do in town. After the Baconfest I rushed over to the second half of Kelci's baby shower! I'm so excited for her and Tomahd can't wait to meet their baby boy in a few weeks!!
-Side note- is Kelci not the cutest pregnant lady ever?!
We also made a few purchases for the house: picked out schemes did the bathrooms!
And I picked out some black out curtains for our bedroom that are actually really cute! Have to have black out curtains to help with Payden's sleep schedule!
3-29-14: balcony movie date to see Get Hard (movie review post to follow).
3-30-15: Mandy sent me a picture of my niece wearing the bib I macs her! Yep Aubtie Ams does love her a lot!
3-31-15: I brought home boxes for packing and Vegas thinks it's her new clubhouse.
4-1-15: LLS Campaign meeting with one of my best friends Dannielle!
I think Vegas wants to make sure we know to take her with us in the move. --side note--
I am pleased to announce that I didn't see very many "I'm pregnant" April Fools jokes. Makes my heart of struggles happy because I know how hard my struggle is and how hard it is on me. Thank you to those who think about others when planning on their jokes.
4-2-15: When you walk into our apartment you either think we are moving or that we are organized hoarders. (Oh and it's obvious I work for dodge).
4-4-15: Vegas wouldn't let us pack up this box because she wanted to to lay on the lid. So it looks like that's her bed for the night.
4-5-15: Happy Easter!
4-8-15: in preparation of the big storm going through Kansas/Wichita, we played a very expensive game of Tetris at work to get as many cars into a safe place over night. It was crazy!
4-9-14: Props to the mother in law on this awesome garage sale find for our coffee bar for the new house!
4-9-15 (night): Balcony movie date wit. H Payden. The movie was perfect. (Movie review to follow).
4-10-15: Happy #NationalSiblingsDay to the Horth Fab Five and to my siiister through marriage. We may not always get along but this big sister loves ya! (Except I just realized that Tiffani isn't in the Horth bad.)
4-11-15: Happy National Pet Day to Vegas car! We love her!
4-11-15: my best friend Kayla found her wedding dress! I'm so glad I was able to be there when she said yes after rushing over after work!
4-11-15 (again): Someone wasn't happy about being left in a closet for a few hours (oops) or about mom getting the vacuum out.
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