My week in photos: Round 19
Monday: 3-9-15: Started reading a new book.
Tuesday: 3-10-15: Vegas found a new hiding spot. Thank goodness we are moving soon. I'm excited to see her shenanigans in a new bigger home.
Wednesday: 3-11-15: When your best friend text and says she's in town and wants to go see a concert, on a Wednesday night, you go!
My best friend Caroline was in town and we decided to go to a free country concert together with her sister Liz (my friend and hairdresser). It was a fun spur of the moment girls night.
And randomly at the concert I saw my friebd Brooke (my sorority dot Annie's baby sister). Small world.
Thursday: 3-12-15: we had the inspection of the house we want to buy and started the official paperwork for the loan process!! And I had enough time to hang out and have lunch with a few of my old coworkers/friends at Rusty Eck. It was so nice to be able to catch up and chat with Dannielle and Shelby!
Sunday: 3-15-15: we've officially started packing.
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