Five on Friday.

I follow a lot of different blogs and I am trying to blog more so I wanted to jump on the band wagon/train for this trend. Five on Friday: Five random things on my mind on this very Friday.

1.--This waiting game we are currently playing is far more stressful on me then I am letting on. I hate not knowing what is coming next in our lives, and I honestly don’t think there is anything more that we want in our lives right now then for this process to work out… well besides a baby…
(or maybe that is just me). Please continue sending out prayers and positive vibes our way.

2.--I am counting down the days for October, for MANY reasons: Blake Shelton concert, Color Vibe Run, our anniversary, and our anniversary trip. Plus I really need it to be fall; I am dying to wear boots with my dresses!

3.--I am in a wedding next weekend and I think I am more stressed about this weeding then I ever stressed for my own. Makes me even gladder (
is that a word, that sounds weird) that we got married in Vegas then I have been before. Seriously, people do weddings the hard way. Lol

 leaves for Georgia in a few weeks, for like five days, and won’t be back until the day of my birthday. Not that him leaving is a big deal, I will miss him but he needs to see his best friend. But I’m just excited that my birthday is right around the corner.

5.--The other thing that I am counting down for currently, CHRISTMAS! Am I the only one? Okay then I might be but I am seriously excited. Our Christmas cards are ready to go and I have bought the first present (for my Father-in-law) none the less. 
138 DAYS in case anyone else is wanting to start their own count down!


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