Waiting game continued...

Well world, my handsome wonderful husband Payden has officially taken his USAF OTC test. He finished his test this afternoon and since he asked for the whole day off we even got to sneak in a lunch date together. I woke up this morning to see him all freshly shaven and nicely dressed, ready to take his test. You know he is serious when he gets rid of his beard that he is so proud of! Now we are gathering references and transcripts to have the full application sent out by the end of September. And then from there is even more of the waiting game that we have currently been playing. We will not have a result of what is to come next for us until December 12th-20th. We are hoping for the best news so that our Christmas is one to remember but we have a lot of praying and hoping until that time comes. PLEASE, please, please continue to send every positive vibe you can think of our way. There is nothing else in the world right now that he is wanting (and I am wanting for him) right now. This is a huge thing that will decide what is to come next in our lives. So here’s to positive thoughts and the waiting game; and to wanting December to come faster than normal.

With that all being said, I am so proud of my husband and all of the hard work he has put into this. And no matter what I know we can move on from here and we will be fine. He is an amazing person and there is no one else in the world I’d rather go through this journey with and for than him. He is continuing to work out and prepare himself for this new journey and I want nothing else then to get the news and to cry with him and tell him how proud I am of him and how proud I am to be his wife, but no matter what I will forever be the proudest of him and our relationship. I even wrote him a little love note for him to read this morning before his test telling him the same thing. I wanted to make sure he knew that I believe in him and that no matter what happens next I will never be disappointed in him and would never not be proud to be his wife (I know that is a double negative but I am not sure how else to say what I was trying to say). I wanted him to know that going into his test to hopefully help with his stress level some.

At our lunch date he told me that he feels pretty decent about how he did on the test, so let’s hope that is a good sign. 

And with all of that being said, please continue to think of us as we continue onto this journey. Hopefully there will be a lot of exciting news coming our way in the upcoming months leading to the New Year.


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