Movie Review: Playing For Keeps

So Payden is officially out of town for a week, so I am slowly getting things cleaned up around the house, caught up on my shows, hanging out with some friends and watching some movies on Netflix. A productive week as a single housewife in my mind.

Last night I watched the movie Playing for Keeps. I have been wanting to see this movie since it was in theaters but never got around to doing it. I am always down for a movie with Gerald Butler in it, but this wasn’t all that good. Pretty sure there have been a million movies with the same story line. This movie was good, had a lot of great actors/actresses in it but it moved too slowly for my liking, and the whole concept was “been there, done that”. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good movie but it wasn’t anything new, and it wasn’t too funny so there was really nothing that made the movie stand out. So if I was giving it a grade, maybe a C… mediocre. Hopefully the other movies I watch this week while he is gone are a little better…



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