Movie Review: Young Adult

So my Netflix marathon while Payden is out of town hasn’t gone as I had planned. I haven’t gotten many movies in like I thought I would but oh well, I am staying busy because I have amazing friends who are checking up on me and planning evenings with me to help the time go by. (Nice to know, in case in the future I will have him leaving for longer periods of time…we never know what will come next for us in our lives together).

Anyway, last night I watched the movie “Young Adult”. I had really wanted to see this movie when it was in theaters because it was from the writer of “Juno”—one of my all time favorite movies. But let me tell you this, I can’t believe I actually made myself watch the whole movie, I mean it was on Netflix, I could had stopped it and moved on with my life and no one would had known. But I just kept watching it, even though I didn’t find it funny like I expected it would be and a lot of the time I was just bored out of my mind.

I mean the story line made it to where the movie COULD have been good, it had potential, but I have no idea what happened to it in the making because I hated it. I don’t say that a lot, since I love movies but this movie was just so boring, it was awful. Do not watch it if you haven’t, do not waste your time. It is an hour and a half that I kind of wish I had back.

That’s all I have to say about it..


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