Waiting Game Changes

We knew that going into the military route there would be a lot of changes, lies and ups and downs. Come to find out he was not told the full truth about his test and that has really put a hold to our situation. When first talking to his recruiter he was told that since he was not applying for a pilot position that the pilot portion of the test would not count against him… when in truth it was. So he passed everything thing else but was told to stop the process until he can retake the test in 6 months.

So we may or may not be continuing this journey. I know it is hard on him to hear that and as of right now he is just frustrated. We may look into other branches but as of now we are not sure. I know how hard he wants to better our lives together and how hard it is for him to tell me that things aren’t working out the way that he wants. I hate to see him like this. But as I have said a million times before and I will continue saying a million times from here on out, I am nothing but proud of him and not disappointed in him at all. Our journey has just changed. Something will work out for us, even if it takes some time. But at least we have each other that is all that matters to me.

With all of that being said, Payden has decided to try again with the Wichita Police Department who are currently accepting applications for the 2014 recruiting class, as well as maybe applying for a few other cities: like Oklahoma City, Kansas City and Denver. If this route works out then that is what is meant for us in our lives. I am perfectly fine with the idea of being a Police Officer’s Wife. My aunt is one, and I have always been proud to have my uncle Dan be a cop. Payden is also in the process of studying for a test for HVAC that will give him higher qualifications for his current job with his dad. We have been making it by with the jobs that we currently have, and we don’t have any one extra to support so now is the perfect time to jump around and try and get him into a career that will work best for him and us as a family.

So as of right now, we may never be a military couple/family but we are happy and we are trying to find the right path for us. He might become a Police Officer, and that is just as good as anything else. We are hoping that since he has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice that it might be helpful with his application process. We shall see, but we are happy and we are moving forward. No need to have our heads down, we know that eventually everything will work out for us and that we have time.


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