Miller Wedding

As I've said before, my sorority little sister Annie asked me to be Matron of Honor in her wedding. It has been alot of work and planning but I was honored. 

The wedding was lady night and it ran really smoothly, but there were some problems but it all got worked out in the end. 

The bridal shower and bachelorette party went so well and the wedding and reception were beautiful. Annie made such a beautiful bride and the groom, Brandon, was quite handsome as well. It was a wonderful wedding to be apart if and it was so much fun. 

Annie carried my Alpha Phi badge on her bouquet and I was honored that she wanted to show out connection that way in her wedding. 

It was my first time giving a speech, but her sister and I joined our speeches together and I think it was perfect! I was very proud of us and glad that Annie enjoyed it. 

Here are done pictures that I took of the big day, I will hopefully be able to post some of the professional photos once they are posted. (Random fact: the wedding photographer was the same photographer Payden and I used for our anniversary photos last year and who Brittney used for her wedding a couple of years ago.) 


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