Hamilton Couple’s Weekends

Most weekends, let’s be honest… we normally spend at home. Maybe we venture out and go to dinner and/or a movie but most of the time it is Netflix marathons at our apartment. Mainly because I am cheap and we are lazy… Our typical date nights include dinner and/or a movie, we don’t go downtown and drink so the sort of ‘night life’ is really not our style. Wichita doesn’t have a bunch of activities for adults that doesn’t include clubby atmospheres. I completely enjoy our style of date nights and have no problem with being ‘home bodies’ and spending a lot of our time at home. If we aren’t working out together, we spend a lot of our night watching movies and Netflix. We both enjoy movies so it works out well for us. Sundays for us are almost always consisting of us going to his parents’ house to do laundry…since Sundays are my only days off and we do not have a washer/dryer in our apartment. If it is a birthday weekend or some holiday Sundays are typically spent going from his parents’ house to mine or vice versa. Sundays are always our busiest days of the week for us since I have it off and we have to cram so much into it.

But last weekend, Payden’s mom has decided to take us to oneof the museums in Wichita with her and Brent (Payden’s dad)on Sunday. So last weekend we went to the Exploration Place because they were having a dinosaur exhibit and when Paydenwas a kid he was OBSESSED with dinosaurs (I think he still is… but doesn’t like to admit it). The Exploration Place was a lot of fun and had some cool stuff for us to look at. Granted it is typically a place for families, so there were a lot of kids walking around. And since Payden and I don’t have kids, Brent was saying it was his practice for grandkids… like I need the added pressure to get pregnant. But overall it was really a fun time and we enjoyed ourselves. After the museum we all went and had lunch at Brent’s favorite restaurant Felipe’s. I don’t know how often we have to eat there because he loves it so much but let me tell you…it is a lot. Here are a few pictures of our time at the Exploration Place.

Then this last weekend it was back to our usual routine: Paydenwanted to go to a movie on Saturday night so we finally got to see “Red 2”. We had been meaning to see it for a while now… movie review to follow this post.

So we went to doing something different one weekend and then back to the norm the next. Not complaining though, I love my ‘home bodies’ life with my husband. It is fun to do something a little different every once in a while but I like our normal routine just fine.


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