Goodbye Rusty Eck Ford

Today was my last day working at Rusty Eck Ford. My sync girls got me the most perfect cake and we had a lot luck like lunch to celebrate my last day. I will truly miss working with these girls and cherish the friendships I share with them. Payden even got to come up and have lunch with all of us. Which means so much to me. 

Here are some pictures from the celebration today during lunch. 

Then tonight I had a small dinner with some past and current coworkers at Felipe's which was full of laughs and all of us sharing stories of our time at Rusty Eck Ford. A perfect ending to the day. 

I will really miss working at Rusty Eck, I have come to love so many of the people and there were so many good times there but I am excited to move on and to see what this new job has in store for me. 


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